Egg Carton Color Hunt

I love going on walks. Walking is one of my favorite activities solo, with my dog, or with my kids. But sometimes it can be hard to get the girls to leave the house and go on a walk. Especially if the weather isn’t ideal. In early Spring this year, the flowers were blooming, the sky was a perfect blue, but it was still chilly and my kids were totally fighting the idea of a walk around the block. If you’ve been in this situation before, then turning your walk into a “hunt” can be so helpful for getting everyone out the door.

For this activity, I took an empty egg carton and painted the inside of each spot a different color. There were a lot of different yellow and pink flowers blooming so I mixed colors to make a few variations of those colors in different spots, knowing that we would be able to collect more than one dandelion. I painted the egg carton during nap time so that it would have some time to dry, but you could easily do this first thing in the morning for a post-breakfast walk.

Once the paint was dry, I showed the carton to the girls and said, “Let’s go on a nature hunt! I wonder if we can find something on our walk that would match each of these colors.” The girls were excited to try and put their coats on without any arguing which felt like such a win!

Off we went walking! The girls loved searching for nature of different colors and enjoyed making their collection. I only made one egg carton which did result in a lot of turn-taking so when I do this again, I will make a carton for each kid. An activity like this gives kids full autonomy to search, make choices, and collect and can be used to get you out the door or extend a walk that you’re on. I got the walk that I needed, and the girls got to explore - win, win!

When in doubt, let’s go out.


Animal Hide and Seek


Spring Water Table Ideas