I’m so happy you’re here!

My name is Allison Wood and I created this space to share how my family and I spend all of our time outside. And I really do mean all of our time. Last we checked, we spend about 1,500 hours outside a year. But here’s the thing - we’re not big hikers, we don’t go camping (although ‘camp’ is a big part of our life), and I am not really into activities that involve too much planning. We simply choose to go outside, many times a day, every day.

“When in doubt, take her out,” became our family motto when our oldest daughter was a baby and she had colic (more on that here). Five years later, we still use that motto, but we use it for every member of the family because we all truly benefit from spending time outside. So this blog is our space to share how we do that. If you are someone who loves being outside or someone who is trying to get outside more, I hope you find some inspiration here!