Flower Fairy Garden Fun

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Last week my daughter and I took a quick trip to Home Depot for some lightbulbs. While we were there, of course we had to walk through the garden center and that’s where I laid eyes on the most gorgeous stunner of a potted plant. It is this hot pink, bright orange, and neon yellow celosia that probably coined the term “thriller” in the plant world. I knew it had to come home with us and I knew exactly how I wanted to use it - as our newest fairy garden!

My daughters LOVE building elaborate fairy gardens. We bought a set of miniature fairy garden figurines about two years ago when we had just had Gemma. Because the pieces are so little and we worried about the baby getting them, Whitney was able to use them for her “special big sister time” when her little sister was napping. As Gemma has gotten older and stopped putting things in her mouth, we began letting both girls play with the fairy garden pieces. The girls can play with them for HOURS - inside, outside, together, individually - and I love the imaginative play and fine motor skills the girls use with this toy. Every once in a while we introduce a new “setting” for the garden and it’s like the pieces can be rediscovered all over again.

So that is exactly what we did with our new plant! We got home from the store, put our new celosia in a spare pot I had (I didn’t even bother to replant it because we didn’t have a ton of time before lunch), and told Gemma to use it for her fairy garden. Gemma immediately got to work finding all of her pieces and carefully arranging them around the base of the plant. That afternoon, Whitney got home from school and came out to play with it too. The girls worked together for an hour creating elaborate stories of a ducklings adventure through the flower forest.

We are a week into using our new potted plant as a fairy garden and I’m amazed by the play it continues to provoke. I have big visions of introducing more potted plants to the scene in the coming weeks as more fall plants come into bloom. Our annual fall mum set-up might have some special fairy guests this year!

If you are interested in trying some fairy garden play, check out this set that we use daily, here.

When in doubt, let’s go out.


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