ABC Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday we had our Kindergarten orientation for Whitney! I can’t believe how close we are to elementary school. I have spent my career in early childhood education so I have loved these years that I know so well. One advantage I have felt since being a Pre-K teacher is knowing a few small tricks to help our kids learn identification skills for colors, letters, and numbers.

Here’s the trick: help them realize that colors, letters and numbers are ALL AROUND them.

As a teacher, I used to tell parents to help their child find letters from their name in the grocery store. As a parent who loves being outside - I’ve enjoyed making this a scavenger hunt that we can use on our walks.

For this scavenger hunt, I drew colors on one piece of paper - this one was really meant for Gemma but she didn’t feel like getting out of the wagon so Whitney held onto the list. Then the second piece of paper had letters A-Z and numbers 1-15. The colors were super easy to spot - and then I helped Whitney realize there were letters on the signs which turned into a very fun sign hunt around the neighborhood. Stop signs, street signs, garden signs, Annapolis Compost signs - they all have letters in them and Whitney LOVED checking her list to see what letters she was missing and then searching signs looking for those letters. Some of our hard-to-find letters like Q, V and Z we found on cars and license plates. License plates and house numbers helped us find a lot of our numbers on the list.

I noticed that Whitney had trouble identifying her teen numbers so next time we do this, I’m going to write only the teen numbers and take us to a street that has the teens as addresses.

I love this activity because it is easy to create, can be used anywhere, and truly does help prepare our kids for school.

When in doubt, let’s go out.


Be a Tourist


Picnic Power