Let’s Go Out

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” - John Muir

From the Blog

  • After School Water Balloons

    After school chaos? Bring on the reusable water balloons!

    Read more here.

  • ABC Scavenger Hunt

    An activity that is easy to make, can be done anywhere, and truly helps prepare kids for school.

    Read more here.

  • Picnic Power

    Got stuck inside today? Never fear, bring your picnic out here!

    Read more here.

The Woods

Hi and welcome to our space! We are a family of four, plus one very active dog, who love being outside. In fact, we added it up and our family spends about 1,500 hours outside a year. We hope to use this space to inspire others to get outside every day!

About Allison >